objName = ""
objFrame = ""
objRotEul = ""
objRotQut = ""
outputStr = ""
txtfilename = ""
selObjs = selection as array
hideByCategory.geometry = true
hideByCategory.helpers = true
hideByCategory.bones = true
if (selObjs.count !=0) then
txtfilename = (Filterstring maxFileName ".")[1]
pathFile = maxfilepath + "\\" + txtfilename + ".txt"
filestm = createFile pathFile
for i = 1 to selObjs.count do
objName = selObjs[i].name
outputStr = outputStr + objName + "\n"
if (classof selObjs[i] == Biped_Object) then
for j =1 to (selObjs[i].controller.keys).count do
sliderTime = selObjs[i].controller.keys[j].time
objFrame = (selObjs[i].controller.keys[j].time) as string
objRotQut = (selObjs[i].transform.rotation) as string
objRotEul = ((selObjs[i].transform.rotation) as eulerAngles) as string
outputStr = outputStr + objFrame + "\t" + objRotEul + "\n"
if((selObjs[i].controller.keys).count == j)do outputStr = outputStr + "\n"
for j =1 to (selObjs[i].rotation.controller.keys).count do
sliderTime = selObjs[i].rotation.controller.keys[j].time
objFrame = (selObjs[i].rotation.controller.keys[j].time) as string
objRotQut = (selObjs[i].rotation.controller.value) as string
objRotEul = ((selObjs[i].rotation.controller.value) as eulerAngles) as string
outputStr = outputStr + objFrame + "\t" + objRotEul + "\n"
if((selObjs[i].rotation.controller.keys).count == j)do outputStr = outputStr + "\n"
format "%" outputStr to:filestm
close filestm
hideByCategory.geometry = false
hideByCategory.helpers = false
hideByCategory.bones = false
바이패드 또는 그외의 오브젝트들의 애니메이션 키값을 순차 적으로 읽어 해당값의 로테이션 값을 저장하는 스크립트다.
조금더 다듬는다면 맥스파일의 애니메이션 회전값을 다른 맥스파일에 적용하는데 사용될 수있는 스크립트다.
만들게 된 계기가 있는데 다음과 같다.
몇달전에 모 카페에다가 맥스 스크립트를 외주하는것이 실효성이 있는가 하는 의견을 올린적이 있다.
본업은 애니메이션 이긴하지만 회사의 업무에 필요한 맥스 스크립트를 제작하면서, 모바일게임이나 인원수가 적은 업체에서는 스크립트를 작업 할 수 있는 사람을 구하기 힘들어 작업 시간을 줄일 수 있는 일을 줄이지 못해 어려움이 있을것 같다는 생각이 들었기 때문이다.
물론 본격적으로 맥스 스크립트를 공부하고 작업한것이 아니기 때문에 사람들의 답변이 궁금했었다.
그런데 뜬금없이 모 회사에서 스크립트 외주 요청이 들어왔었다.
결국에는 나의 잘못으로 외주 업무를 하지 못했지만, 내심 스크립트도 잘하면 외주를 할수 있는 하나의 업종이 될수 있겠구나 하는 생각이 들었다.
당시 모 회사에서 요청했던 기능을 간단하게 구현한 스크립트다.
결론은 스크립트 공부 열심히 하자!!!
2014년 2월 15일 토요일
바이패드 복사 본 만들기 ver1.1
bips = #()
bons = #()
boneName = ""
boundingBox = undefined
bipLength = undefined
bipwidth = undefined
bipheight = undefined
selObj = selection as array
objs = #()
rootBipName = ""
filterRootBipName = #()
cNameValue = "Bone"
fn changeName strs oldStr newStr =
findFlag = findstring strs oldStr
if (findFlag != undefined) do
changeStr = replace strs findFlag oldStr.count newStr
for i = 1 to selObj.count do
if (classof selObj[i] == Biped_Object) do append objs selObj[i]
if objs.count == 0 then
messagebox "바이패드 노드를 하나 이상 선택하세요."
filterRootBipName = filterstring objs[1].name " "
(execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + "'")).transform.controller.figureMode = true
(execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + "'")).transform.controller.trianglePelvis = false
(execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + "'")).transform.controller.triangleNeck = true
rollout bipMirrbone "흉내 내기본 생성"
edittext newNameText "Bip 대신 넣을 이름" text:"Bone"
checkbox twistBon_chk "트위스트본사용" checked:false width:200
checkbox autoNeck_chk "자동본사용" checked:false width:200
Button start_btn "실행"
on newNameText changed txt do
cNameValue = txt
on start_btn pressed do
for i = 1 to objs.count do
if((classof objs[i] == Biped_Object) and (objs[i].name != "Bip01 Footsteps")) do append bips objs[i]
for i = 1 to bips.count do
boneName = bips[i].name
boneName = changeName boneName "Bip" cNameValue
boundingBox = nodeGetBoundingBox bips[i]bips[i].transform
bipLength = boundingBox[2].x
bipheight = boundingBox[2].y
bipwidth = boundingBox[2].z
madeBone = Bonesys.createBone[0,0,0][1,0,0][0,0,1]
madeBone.name = boneName
madeBone.width = bipWidth
madeBone.height = bipheight
madeBone.length = bipLength
madeBone.boxmode = on
madeBone.rotation = (inverse(biped.getTransform bips[i] #rotation))
madeBone.position = (bips[i].transform.pos)
if((autoNeck_chk.checked == true)and(matchPattern bips[i].name pattern:"*Neck" == true)) then
madeBone.rotation.controller= Orientation_Constraint()
madeBone.rotation.controller.appendTarget bips[i].parent 50.0
madeBone.rotation.controller.appendTarget bips[i].children[1] 50.0
else if((autoNeck_chk.checked == true)and(matchPattern bips[i].name pattern:"*Head" == true)) then
madeBone.rotation.controller= Orientation_Constraint()
madeBone.rotation.controller.appendTarget bips[i] 50.0
madeBone.position.controller = Position_Constraint()
madeBone.position.controller.appendTarget bips[i] 50.0
madeBone.rotation.controller= Orientation_Constraint()
madeBone.rotation.controller.appendTarget bips[i] 50.0
append bons madeBone
for i = 1 to bips.count do
if(bips[i].parent != undefined) do
parentBip = bips[i].parent
boneName = parentBip.name
boneName = changeName boneName "Bip" cNameValue
bons[i].parent = execute("$'" + boneName + "'")
filterRootBoneName = filterstring boneName " "
if(twistBon_chk.checked == true) do
if((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L Clavicle'") != undefined) and (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L UpperArm'") != undefined) and (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L Forearm'") != undefined)) do
-- 왼쪽 어께트위스트1 더미
Point_L_UpperArmTwist02 = point()
Point_L_UpperArmTwist02.name = "Point_L_UpperArmTwist02"
Point_L_UpperArmTwist02.size = 2.0
Point_L_UpperArmTwist02.box = false
Point_L_UpperArmTwist02.cross = true
Point_L_UpperArmTwist02.rotation = (inverse(biped.getTransform (execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " L UpperArm'")) #rotation))
Point_L_UpperArmTwist02.pos = ((execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " L UpperArm'")).transform.pos)
Point_L_UpperArmTwist02.parent =(execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L Clavicle'"))
Point_L_UpperArmTwist02.pos.controller = Position_Expression()
Point_L_UpperArmTwist02.parent = (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L UpperArm'"))
Point_L_UpperArmTwist02.wirecolor = (color 10 10 10)
-- 왼쪽 어께트위스트2 더미
Point_L_UpperArmTwist01 = point()
Point_L_UpperArmTwist01.name = "Point_L_UpperArmTwist01"
Point_L_UpperArmTwist01.size = 2.0
Point_L_UpperArmTwist01.box = true
Point_L_UpperArmTwist01.cross = false
Point_L_UpperArmTwist01.rotation = (inverse(biped.getTransform (execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " L Clavicle'")) #rotation))
Point_L_UpperArmTwist01.pos = ((execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " L Clavicle'")).transform.pos)
Point_L_UpperArmTwist01.parent = (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L Clavicle'"))
Point_L_UpperArmTwist01.rotation.controller.appendTarget $'Point_L_UpperArmTwist02' 50.0
Point_L_UpperArmTwist01.rotation.controller.viewline_length_abs = false
Point_L_UpperArmTwist01.rotation.controller.upnode_world = false
Point_L_UpperArmTwist01.rotation.controller.pickUpNode = (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L Clavicle'"))
Point_L_UpperArmTwist01.wirecolor = (color 10 10 10)
-- 왼쪽 어께 트위스트1,2 본
LUpperArmTwist01 = Bonesys.createBone[0,0,0][1,0,0][0,0,1]
LUpperArmTwist01.name = filterRootBoneName[1] +" L UpperArmTwist01"
LUpperArmTwist01.width = ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L UpperArm'")).width) * 0.8
LUpperArmTwist01.height = ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L UpperArm'")).height) * 0.8
LUpperArmTwist01.length = ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L UpperArm'")).length) / 4
LUpperArmTwist02 = Bonesys.createBone[(((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L UpperArm'")).length) / 4),0,0][1,0,0][0,0,1]
LUpperArmTwist02.name = filterRootBoneName[1] + " L UpperArmTwist02"
LUpperArmTwist02.width = ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L UpperArm'")).width) * 0.8
LUpperArmTwist02.height = ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L UpperArm'")).height) * 0.8
LUpperArmTwist02.length = ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L UpperArm'")).length) / 3
LUpperArmTwist02.parent = LUpperArmTwist01
LUpperArmTwist01.rotation = (inverse(biped.getTransform (execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " L UpperArm'")) #rotation))
LUpperArmTwist01.pos = ((execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " L UpperArm'")).transform.pos)
LUpperArmTwist01.parent = (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L UpperArm'"))
LUpperArmTwist02.parent = (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L UpperArm'"))
LUpperArmTwist01.rotation.controller.appendTarget (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L Forearm'")) 50.0
LUpperArmTwist01.rotation.controller.viewline_length_abs = false
LUpperArmTwist01.rotation.controller.upnode_world = false
LUpperArmTwist01.rotation.controller.pickUpNode = Point_L_UpperArmTwist01
LUpperArmTwist01.wirecolor = (color 10 10 10)
LUpperArmTwist01.boxmode = on
LUpperArmTwist02.rotation.controller.appendTarget LUpperArmTwist01 60.0
LUpperArmTwist02.rotation.controller.appendTarget (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L UpperArm'")) 40.0
LUpperArmTwist02.wirecolor = (color 10 10 10)
LUpperArmTwist02.boxmode = on
if((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R Clavicle'") != undefined) and (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R UpperArm'") != undefined) and (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R Forearm'") != undefined)) do
-- 오른쪽 어께트위스트1 더미
Point_R_UpperArmTwist02 = point()
Point_R_UpperArmTwist02.name = "Point_R_UpperArmTwist02"
Point_R_UpperArmTwist02.size = 2.0
Point_R_UpperArmTwist02.box = false
Point_R_UpperArmTwist02.cross = true
Point_R_UpperArmTwist02.rotation = (inverse(biped.getTransform (execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " R UpperArm'")) #rotation))
Point_R_UpperArmTwist02.pos = ((execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " R UpperArm'")).transform.pos)
Point_R_UpperArmTwist02.parent =(execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R Clavicle'"))
Point_R_UpperArmTwist02.pos.controller = Position_Expression()
Point_R_UpperArmTwist02.parent = (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R UpperArm'"))
Point_R_UpperArmTwist02.wirecolor = (color 10 10 10)
-- 오른쪽 어께트위스트2 더미
Point_R_UpperArmTwist01 = point()
Point_R_UpperArmTwist01.name = "Point_R_UpperArmTwist01"
Point_R_UpperArmTwist01.size = 2.0
Point_R_UpperArmTwist01.box = true
Point_R_UpperArmTwist01.cross = false
Point_R_UpperArmTwist01.rotation = (inverse(biped.getTransform (execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " R Clavicle'")) #rotation))
Point_R_UpperArmTwist01.pos = ((execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " R Clavicle'")).transform.pos)
Point_R_UpperArmTwist01.parent = (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R Clavicle'"))
Point_R_UpperArmTwist01.rotation.controller.appendTarget $'Point_R_UpperArmTwist02' 50.0
Point_R_UpperArmTwist01.rotation.controller.viewline_length_abs = false
Point_R_UpperArmTwist01.rotation.controller.upnode_world = false
Point_R_UpperArmTwist01.rotation.controller.pickUpNode = (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R Clavicle'"))
Point_R_UpperArmTwist01.wirecolor = (color 10 10 10)
-- 오른쪽 어께 트위스트1,2 본
RUpperArmTwist01 = Bonesys.createBone[0,0,0][1,0,0][0,0,1]
RUpperArmTwist01.name = filterRootBoneName[1] +" R UpperArmTwist01"
RUpperArmTwist01.width = ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R UpperArm'")).width) * 0.8
RUpperArmTwist01.height = ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R UpperArm'")).height) * 0.8
RUpperArmTwist01.length = ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R UpperArm'")).length) / 4
RUpperArmTwist02 = Bonesys.createBone[(((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L UpperArm'")).length) / 4),0,0][1,0,0][0,0,1]
RUpperArmTwist02.name = filterRootBoneName[1] + " R UpperArmTwist02"
RUpperArmTwist02.width = ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R UpperArm'")).width) * 0.8
RUpperArmTwist02.height = ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R UpperArm'")).height) * 0.8
RUpperArmTwist02.length = ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R UpperArm'")).length) / 4
RUpperArmTwist02.parent = RUpperArmTwist01
RUpperArmTwist01.rotation = (inverse(biped.getTransform (execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " R UpperArm'")) #rotation))
RUpperArmTwist01.pos = ((execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " R UpperArm'")).transform.pos)
RUpperArmTwist01.parent = (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R UpperArm'"))
RUpperArmTwist02.parent = (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R UpperArm'"))
RUpperArmTwist01.rotation.controller.appendTarget (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R Forearm'")) 50.0
RUpperArmTwist01.rotation.controller.viewline_length_abs = false
RUpperArmTwist01.rotation.controller.upnode_world = false
RUpperArmTwist01.rotation.controller.pickUpNode = Point_R_UpperArmTwist01
RUpperArmTwist01.wirecolor = (color 10 10 10)
RUpperArmTwist01.boxmode = on
RUpperArmTwist02.rotation.controller.appendTarget RUpperArmTwist01 60.0
RUpperArmTwist02.rotation.controller.appendTarget (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R UpperArm'")) 40.0
RUpperArmTwist02.wirecolor = (color 10 10 10)
RUpperArmTwist02.boxmode = on
if((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L Forearm'") != undefined) and (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L Hand'") != undefined)) do
-- 왼쪽 손목 트위스트 본
L_ForearmTwist = Bonesys.createBone[0,0,0][1,0,0][0,0,1]
L_ForearmTwist.name = filterRootBoneName[1] + " L_ForearmTwist"
L_ForearmTwist.width = ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L Forearm'")).width) * 0.8
L_ForearmTwist.height = ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L Forearm'")).height) * 0.8
L_ForearmTwist.length = ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L Forearm'")).length) / 4
L_ForearmTwist.rotation = (inverse(biped.getTransform (execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " L Forearm'")) #rotation))
L_ForearmTwist.pos = ((execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " L Forearm'")).transform.pos)
coordsys local move L_ForearmTwist [((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L UpperArm'")).length) - (((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L UpperArm'")).length) / 4),0,0]
L_ForearmTwist.parent = (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L Forearm'"))
L_ForearmTwist.rotation.controller.appendTarget (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L Hand'")) 50.0
L_ForearmTwist.rotation.controller.viewline_length_abs = false
L_ForearmTwist.rotation.controller.upnode_world = false
L_ForearmTwist.rotation.controller.pickUpNode = (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L Hand'"))
L_ForearmTwist.wirecolor = (color 10 10 10)
L_ForearmTwist.boxmode = on
if((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R Forearm'") != undefined) and (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R Hand'") != undefined)) do
-- 오른쪽 손목 트위스트 본
R_ForearmTwist = Bonesys.createBone[0,0,0][1,0,0][0,0,1]
R_ForearmTwist.name = filterRootBoneName[1] + " R_ForearmTwist"
R_ForearmTwist.width = ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R Forearm'")).width) * 0.8
R_ForearmTwist.height = ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R Forearm'")).height) * 0.8
R_ForearmTwist.length = ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R Forearm'")).length) / 4
R_ForearmTwist.rotation = (inverse(biped.getTransform (execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " R Forearm'")) #rotation))
R_ForearmTwist.pos = ((execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " R Forearm'")).transform.pos)
coordsys local move R_ForearmTwist [((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R UpperArm'")).length) - (((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R UpperArm'")).length) / 4),0,0]
R_ForearmTwist.parent = (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R Forearm'"))
R_ForearmTwist.rotation.controller.appendTarget (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R Hand'")) 50.0
R_ForearmTwist.rotation.controller.viewline_length_abs = false
R_ForearmTwist.rotation.controller.upnode_world = false
R_ForearmTwist.rotation.controller.pickUpNode = (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R Hand'"))
R_ForearmTwist.wirecolor = (color 10 10 10)
R_ForearmTwist.boxmode = on
if(((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L Thigh'")) != undefined) and ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L Calf'")) != undefined)) do
-- 왼쪽 허벅지 트위스트 ExposeTM
ExposeTransformL = ExposeTransform()
ExposeTransformL.name = "ExposeTransform L"
ExposeTransformL.size = 1.5
ExposeTransformL.box = true
ExposeTransformL.cross = false
ExposeTransformL.rotation = (inverse(biped.getTransform (execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " L Thigh'")) #rotation))
ExposeTransformL.pos = ((execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " L Thigh'")).transform.pos)
ExposeTransformL.parent = (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L Thigh'"))
ExposeTransformL.exposeNode = (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L Calf'"))
ExposeTransformL.useParent = false
ExposeTransformL.localReferenceNode = (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " Pelvis'"))
ExposeTransformL.wirecolor = (color 10 10 10)
-- 왼쪽 허벅지 트위스트 더미
PointLThigh = point()
PointLThigh.name = filterRootBoneName[1] + " Point L Thigh"
PointLThigh.size = 1.0
PointLThigh.box = false
PointLThigh.cross = true
PointLThigh.pos = ((execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " Pelvis'")).transform.pos)
coordsys local move PointLThigh [10,0,0]
PointLThigh.parent = (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " Pelvis'"))
reactContL = PointLThigh.pos.controller = Position_reactor()
PointLThigh.wirecolor = (color 10 10 10)
-- 왼쪽 허벅지 트위스트 본
L_ThighTwist = Bonesys.createBone[0,0,0][1,0,0][0,0,1]
L_ThighTwist.name = filterRootBoneName[1] + " L_ThighTwist"
L_ThighTwist.width = ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L Thigh'")).width) * 0.8
L_ThighTwist.height = ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L Thigh'")).height) * 0.8
L_ThighTwist.length = ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L Thigh'")).length) / 4
L_ThighTwist.rotation = (inverse(biped.getTransform (execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " L Thigh'")) #rotation))
L_ThighTwist.pos = ((execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " L Thigh'")).transform.pos)
L_ThighTwist.parent = (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L Thigh'"))
L_ThighTwist.rotation.controller.appendTarget (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L Calf'")) 50.0
L_ThighTwist.rotation.controller.viewline_length_abs = false
L_ThighTwist.rotation.controller.upnode_world = false
L_ThighTwist.rotation.controller.pickUpNode = (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " Point L Thigh'"))
L_ThighTwist.rotation.controller.upnode_ctrl = 0
L_ThighTwist.rotation.controller.StoUP_axisFlip = true
L_ThighTwist.wirecolor = (color 10 10 10)
L_ThighTwist.boxmode = on
reactContL.reactTo $'ExposeTransform L'.localPosition.controller
if(((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R Thigh'")) != undefined) and ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R Calf'")) != undefined)) do
-- 오른쪽 허벅지 트위스트 ExposeTM
ExposeTransformR = ExposeTransform()
ExposeTransformR.name = "ExposeTransform R"
ExposeTransformR.size = 1.5
ExposeTransformR.box = true
ExposeTransformR.cross = false
ExposeTransformR.rotation = (inverse(biped.getTransform (execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " R Thigh'")) #rotation))
ExposeTransformR.pos = ((execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " R Thigh'")).transform.pos)
ExposeTransformR.parent = (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R Thigh'"))
ExposeTransformR.exposeNode = (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R Calf'"))
ExposeTransformR.useParent = false
ExposeTransformR.localReferenceNode = (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " Pelvis'"))
ExposeTransformR.wirecolor = (color 10 10 10)
-- 오른쪽 허벅지 트위스트 더미
PointRThigh = point()
PointRThigh.name = filterRootBoneName[1] + " Point R Thigh"
PointRThigh.size = 1.0
PointRThigh.box = false
PointRThigh.cross = true
PointRThigh.pos = ((execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " Pelvis'")).transform.pos)
coordsys local move PointRThigh [-10,0,0]
PointRThigh.parent = ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " Pelvis'")))
reactContR = PointRThigh.pos.controller = Position_reactor()
PointRThigh.wirecolor = (color 10 10 10)
-- 오른쪽 허벅지 트위스트 본
R_ThighTwist = Bonesys.createBone[0,0,0][1,0,0][0,0,1]
R_ThighTwist.name = filterRootBoneName[1] + " R_ThighTwist"
R_ThighTwist.width = ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R Thigh'")).width) * 0.8
R_ThighTwist.height = ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R Thigh'")).height) * 0.8
R_ThighTwist.length = ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R Thigh'")).length) / 4
R_ThighTwist.rotation = (inverse(biped.getTransform (execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " R Thigh'")) #rotation))
R_ThighTwist.pos = ((execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " R Thigh'")).transform.pos)
R_ThighTwist.parent = (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R Thigh'"))
R_ThighTwist.rotation.controller.appendTarget (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R Calf'")) 50.0
R_ThighTwist.rotation.controller.viewline_length_abs = false
R_ThighTwist.rotation.controller.upnode_world = false
R_ThighTwist.rotation.controller.pickUpNode = (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " Point R Thigh'"))
R_ThighTwist.rotation.controller.upnode_ctrl = 0
R_ThighTwist.wirecolor = (color 10 10 10)
R_ThighTwist.boxmode = on
reactContR.reactTo $'ExposeTransform R'.localPosition.controller
select bons
destroydialog bipMirrbone
createdialog bipMirrbone
아는 동생의 집에서 이 스크립트를 사용했는데 문제가 발생했다.
확인해 본 결과 종전의 맥스버전에서는 당연히 바이패드가 'Bip01'로 지정이 되는데
2012, 2013버전에서는 'Bip001'로 변경된것이다.
물론 바이패드 이름을 'Bip01'로 변경해주면 되지만 그건 그거 나름대로 스크립트 작업자로서 거부감이 들어서 수정작업을 했다.
수정을 하면서 보니 트위스트 본에도 문제가 있다는것을 알았다.
조금더 확인 한다음에 올릴걸~~ㅠ,.ㅠ
아무튼 수정하여 올린다.
bons = #()
boneName = ""
boundingBox = undefined
bipLength = undefined
bipwidth = undefined
bipheight = undefined
selObj = selection as array
objs = #()
rootBipName = ""
filterRootBipName = #()
cNameValue = "Bone"
fn changeName strs oldStr newStr =
findFlag = findstring strs oldStr
if (findFlag != undefined) do
changeStr = replace strs findFlag oldStr.count newStr
for i = 1 to selObj.count do
if (classof selObj[i] == Biped_Object) do append objs selObj[i]
if objs.count == 0 then
messagebox "바이패드 노드를 하나 이상 선택하세요."
filterRootBipName = filterstring objs[1].name " "
(execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + "'")).transform.controller.figureMode = true
(execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + "'")).transform.controller.trianglePelvis = false
(execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + "'")).transform.controller.triangleNeck = true
rollout bipMirrbone "흉내 내기본 생성"
edittext newNameText "Bip 대신 넣을 이름" text:"Bone"
checkbox twistBon_chk "트위스트본사용" checked:false width:200
checkbox autoNeck_chk "자동본사용" checked:false width:200
Button start_btn "실행"
on newNameText changed txt do
cNameValue = txt
on start_btn pressed do
for i = 1 to objs.count do
if((classof objs[i] == Biped_Object) and (objs[i].name != "Bip01 Footsteps")) do append bips objs[i]
for i = 1 to bips.count do
boneName = bips[i].name
boneName = changeName boneName "Bip" cNameValue
boundingBox = nodeGetBoundingBox bips[i]bips[i].transform
bipLength = boundingBox[2].x
bipheight = boundingBox[2].y
bipwidth = boundingBox[2].z
madeBone = Bonesys.createBone[0,0,0][1,0,0][0,0,1]
madeBone.name = boneName
madeBone.width = bipWidth
madeBone.height = bipheight
madeBone.length = bipLength
madeBone.boxmode = on
madeBone.rotation = (inverse(biped.getTransform bips[i] #rotation))
madeBone.position = (bips[i].transform.pos)
if((autoNeck_chk.checked == true)and(matchPattern bips[i].name pattern:"*Neck" == true)) then
madeBone.rotation.controller= Orientation_Constraint()
madeBone.rotation.controller.appendTarget bips[i].parent 50.0
madeBone.rotation.controller.appendTarget bips[i].children[1] 50.0
else if((autoNeck_chk.checked == true)and(matchPattern bips[i].name pattern:"*Head" == true)) then
madeBone.rotation.controller= Orientation_Constraint()
madeBone.rotation.controller.appendTarget bips[i] 50.0
madeBone.position.controller = Position_Constraint()
madeBone.position.controller.appendTarget bips[i] 50.0
madeBone.rotation.controller= Orientation_Constraint()
madeBone.rotation.controller.appendTarget bips[i] 50.0
append bons madeBone
for i = 1 to bips.count do
if(bips[i].parent != undefined) do
parentBip = bips[i].parent
boneName = parentBip.name
boneName = changeName boneName "Bip" cNameValue
bons[i].parent = execute("$'" + boneName + "'")
filterRootBoneName = filterstring boneName " "
if(twistBon_chk.checked == true) do
if((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L Clavicle'") != undefined) and (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L UpperArm'") != undefined) and (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L Forearm'") != undefined)) do
-- 왼쪽 어께트위스트1 더미
Point_L_UpperArmTwist02 = point()
Point_L_UpperArmTwist02.name = "Point_L_UpperArmTwist02"
Point_L_UpperArmTwist02.size = 2.0
Point_L_UpperArmTwist02.box = false
Point_L_UpperArmTwist02.cross = true
Point_L_UpperArmTwist02.rotation = (inverse(biped.getTransform (execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " L UpperArm'")) #rotation))
Point_L_UpperArmTwist02.pos = ((execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " L UpperArm'")).transform.pos)
Point_L_UpperArmTwist02.parent =(execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L Clavicle'"))
Point_L_UpperArmTwist02.pos.controller = Position_Expression()
Point_L_UpperArmTwist02.parent = (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L UpperArm'"))
Point_L_UpperArmTwist02.wirecolor = (color 10 10 10)
-- 왼쪽 어께트위스트2 더미
Point_L_UpperArmTwist01 = point()
Point_L_UpperArmTwist01.name = "Point_L_UpperArmTwist01"
Point_L_UpperArmTwist01.size = 2.0
Point_L_UpperArmTwist01.box = true
Point_L_UpperArmTwist01.cross = false
Point_L_UpperArmTwist01.rotation = (inverse(biped.getTransform (execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " L Clavicle'")) #rotation))
Point_L_UpperArmTwist01.pos = ((execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " L Clavicle'")).transform.pos)
Point_L_UpperArmTwist01.parent = (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L Clavicle'"))
Point_L_UpperArmTwist01.rotation.controller.appendTarget $'Point_L_UpperArmTwist02' 50.0
Point_L_UpperArmTwist01.rotation.controller.viewline_length_abs = false
Point_L_UpperArmTwist01.rotation.controller.upnode_world = false
Point_L_UpperArmTwist01.rotation.controller.pickUpNode = (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L Clavicle'"))
Point_L_UpperArmTwist01.wirecolor = (color 10 10 10)
-- 왼쪽 어께 트위스트1,2 본
LUpperArmTwist01 = Bonesys.createBone[0,0,0][1,0,0][0,0,1]
LUpperArmTwist01.name = filterRootBoneName[1] +" L UpperArmTwist01"
LUpperArmTwist01.width = ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L UpperArm'")).width) * 0.8
LUpperArmTwist01.height = ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L UpperArm'")).height) * 0.8
LUpperArmTwist01.length = ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L UpperArm'")).length) / 4
LUpperArmTwist02 = Bonesys.createBone[(((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L UpperArm'")).length) / 4),0,0][1,0,0][0,0,1]
LUpperArmTwist02.name = filterRootBoneName[1] + " L UpperArmTwist02"
LUpperArmTwist02.width = ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L UpperArm'")).width) * 0.8
LUpperArmTwist02.height = ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L UpperArm'")).height) * 0.8
LUpperArmTwist02.length = ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L UpperArm'")).length) / 3
LUpperArmTwist02.parent = LUpperArmTwist01
LUpperArmTwist01.rotation = (inverse(biped.getTransform (execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " L UpperArm'")) #rotation))
LUpperArmTwist01.pos = ((execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " L UpperArm'")).transform.pos)
LUpperArmTwist01.parent = (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L UpperArm'"))
LUpperArmTwist02.parent = (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L UpperArm'"))
LUpperArmTwist01.rotation.controller.appendTarget (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L Forearm'")) 50.0
LUpperArmTwist01.rotation.controller.viewline_length_abs = false
LUpperArmTwist01.rotation.controller.upnode_world = false
LUpperArmTwist01.rotation.controller.pickUpNode = Point_L_UpperArmTwist01
LUpperArmTwist01.wirecolor = (color 10 10 10)
LUpperArmTwist01.boxmode = on
LUpperArmTwist02.rotation.controller.appendTarget LUpperArmTwist01 60.0
LUpperArmTwist02.rotation.controller.appendTarget (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L UpperArm'")) 40.0
LUpperArmTwist02.wirecolor = (color 10 10 10)
LUpperArmTwist02.boxmode = on
if((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R Clavicle'") != undefined) and (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R UpperArm'") != undefined) and (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R Forearm'") != undefined)) do
-- 오른쪽 어께트위스트1 더미
Point_R_UpperArmTwist02 = point()
Point_R_UpperArmTwist02.name = "Point_R_UpperArmTwist02"
Point_R_UpperArmTwist02.size = 2.0
Point_R_UpperArmTwist02.box = false
Point_R_UpperArmTwist02.cross = true
Point_R_UpperArmTwist02.rotation = (inverse(biped.getTransform (execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " R UpperArm'")) #rotation))
Point_R_UpperArmTwist02.pos = ((execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " R UpperArm'")).transform.pos)
Point_R_UpperArmTwist02.parent =(execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R Clavicle'"))
Point_R_UpperArmTwist02.pos.controller = Position_Expression()
Point_R_UpperArmTwist02.parent = (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R UpperArm'"))
Point_R_UpperArmTwist02.wirecolor = (color 10 10 10)
-- 오른쪽 어께트위스트2 더미
Point_R_UpperArmTwist01 = point()
Point_R_UpperArmTwist01.name = "Point_R_UpperArmTwist01"
Point_R_UpperArmTwist01.size = 2.0
Point_R_UpperArmTwist01.box = true
Point_R_UpperArmTwist01.cross = false
Point_R_UpperArmTwist01.rotation = (inverse(biped.getTransform (execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " R Clavicle'")) #rotation))
Point_R_UpperArmTwist01.pos = ((execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " R Clavicle'")).transform.pos)
Point_R_UpperArmTwist01.parent = (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R Clavicle'"))
Point_R_UpperArmTwist01.rotation.controller.appendTarget $'Point_R_UpperArmTwist02' 50.0
Point_R_UpperArmTwist01.rotation.controller.viewline_length_abs = false
Point_R_UpperArmTwist01.rotation.controller.upnode_world = false
Point_R_UpperArmTwist01.rotation.controller.pickUpNode = (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R Clavicle'"))
Point_R_UpperArmTwist01.wirecolor = (color 10 10 10)
-- 오른쪽 어께 트위스트1,2 본
RUpperArmTwist01 = Bonesys.createBone[0,0,0][1,0,0][0,0,1]
RUpperArmTwist01.name = filterRootBoneName[1] +" R UpperArmTwist01"
RUpperArmTwist01.width = ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R UpperArm'")).width) * 0.8
RUpperArmTwist01.height = ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R UpperArm'")).height) * 0.8
RUpperArmTwist01.length = ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R UpperArm'")).length) / 4
RUpperArmTwist02 = Bonesys.createBone[(((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L UpperArm'")).length) / 4),0,0][1,0,0][0,0,1]
RUpperArmTwist02.name = filterRootBoneName[1] + " R UpperArmTwist02"
RUpperArmTwist02.width = ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R UpperArm'")).width) * 0.8
RUpperArmTwist02.height = ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R UpperArm'")).height) * 0.8
RUpperArmTwist02.length = ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R UpperArm'")).length) / 4
RUpperArmTwist02.parent = RUpperArmTwist01
RUpperArmTwist01.rotation = (inverse(biped.getTransform (execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " R UpperArm'")) #rotation))
RUpperArmTwist01.pos = ((execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " R UpperArm'")).transform.pos)
RUpperArmTwist01.parent = (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R UpperArm'"))
RUpperArmTwist02.parent = (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R UpperArm'"))
RUpperArmTwist01.rotation.controller.appendTarget (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R Forearm'")) 50.0
RUpperArmTwist01.rotation.controller.viewline_length_abs = false
RUpperArmTwist01.rotation.controller.upnode_world = false
RUpperArmTwist01.rotation.controller.pickUpNode = Point_R_UpperArmTwist01
RUpperArmTwist01.wirecolor = (color 10 10 10)
RUpperArmTwist01.boxmode = on
RUpperArmTwist02.rotation.controller.appendTarget RUpperArmTwist01 60.0
RUpperArmTwist02.rotation.controller.appendTarget (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R UpperArm'")) 40.0
RUpperArmTwist02.wirecolor = (color 10 10 10)
RUpperArmTwist02.boxmode = on
if((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L Forearm'") != undefined) and (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L Hand'") != undefined)) do
-- 왼쪽 손목 트위스트 본
L_ForearmTwist = Bonesys.createBone[0,0,0][1,0,0][0,0,1]
L_ForearmTwist.name = filterRootBoneName[1] + " L_ForearmTwist"
L_ForearmTwist.width = ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L Forearm'")).width) * 0.8
L_ForearmTwist.height = ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L Forearm'")).height) * 0.8
L_ForearmTwist.length = ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L Forearm'")).length) / 4
L_ForearmTwist.rotation = (inverse(biped.getTransform (execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " L Forearm'")) #rotation))
L_ForearmTwist.pos = ((execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " L Forearm'")).transform.pos)
coordsys local move L_ForearmTwist [((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L UpperArm'")).length) - (((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L UpperArm'")).length) / 4),0,0]
L_ForearmTwist.parent = (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L Forearm'"))
L_ForearmTwist.rotation.controller.appendTarget (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L Hand'")) 50.0
L_ForearmTwist.rotation.controller.viewline_length_abs = false
L_ForearmTwist.rotation.controller.upnode_world = false
L_ForearmTwist.rotation.controller.pickUpNode = (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L Hand'"))
L_ForearmTwist.wirecolor = (color 10 10 10)
L_ForearmTwist.boxmode = on
if((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R Forearm'") != undefined) and (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R Hand'") != undefined)) do
-- 오른쪽 손목 트위스트 본
R_ForearmTwist = Bonesys.createBone[0,0,0][1,0,0][0,0,1]
R_ForearmTwist.name = filterRootBoneName[1] + " R_ForearmTwist"
R_ForearmTwist.width = ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R Forearm'")).width) * 0.8
R_ForearmTwist.height = ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R Forearm'")).height) * 0.8
R_ForearmTwist.length = ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R Forearm'")).length) / 4
R_ForearmTwist.rotation = (inverse(biped.getTransform (execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " R Forearm'")) #rotation))
R_ForearmTwist.pos = ((execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " R Forearm'")).transform.pos)
coordsys local move R_ForearmTwist [((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R UpperArm'")).length) - (((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R UpperArm'")).length) / 4),0,0]
R_ForearmTwist.parent = (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R Forearm'"))
R_ForearmTwist.rotation.controller.appendTarget (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R Hand'")) 50.0
R_ForearmTwist.rotation.controller.viewline_length_abs = false
R_ForearmTwist.rotation.controller.upnode_world = false
R_ForearmTwist.rotation.controller.pickUpNode = (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R Hand'"))
R_ForearmTwist.wirecolor = (color 10 10 10)
R_ForearmTwist.boxmode = on
if(((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L Thigh'")) != undefined) and ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L Calf'")) != undefined)) do
-- 왼쪽 허벅지 트위스트 ExposeTM
ExposeTransformL = ExposeTransform()
ExposeTransformL.name = "ExposeTransform L"
ExposeTransformL.size = 1.5
ExposeTransformL.box = true
ExposeTransformL.cross = false
ExposeTransformL.rotation = (inverse(biped.getTransform (execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " L Thigh'")) #rotation))
ExposeTransformL.pos = ((execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " L Thigh'")).transform.pos)
ExposeTransformL.parent = (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L Thigh'"))
ExposeTransformL.exposeNode = (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L Calf'"))
ExposeTransformL.useParent = false
ExposeTransformL.localReferenceNode = (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " Pelvis'"))
ExposeTransformL.wirecolor = (color 10 10 10)
-- 왼쪽 허벅지 트위스트 더미
PointLThigh = point()
PointLThigh.name = filterRootBoneName[1] + " Point L Thigh"
PointLThigh.size = 1.0
PointLThigh.box = false
PointLThigh.cross = true
PointLThigh.pos = ((execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " Pelvis'")).transform.pos)
coordsys local move PointLThigh [10,0,0]
PointLThigh.parent = (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " Pelvis'"))
reactContL = PointLThigh.pos.controller = Position_reactor()
PointLThigh.wirecolor = (color 10 10 10)
-- 왼쪽 허벅지 트위스트 본
L_ThighTwist = Bonesys.createBone[0,0,0][1,0,0][0,0,1]
L_ThighTwist.name = filterRootBoneName[1] + " L_ThighTwist"
L_ThighTwist.width = ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L Thigh'")).width) * 0.8
L_ThighTwist.height = ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L Thigh'")).height) * 0.8
L_ThighTwist.length = ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L Thigh'")).length) / 4
L_ThighTwist.rotation = (inverse(biped.getTransform (execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " L Thigh'")) #rotation))
L_ThighTwist.pos = ((execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " L Thigh'")).transform.pos)
L_ThighTwist.parent = (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L Thigh'"))
L_ThighTwist.rotation.controller.appendTarget (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " L Calf'")) 50.0
L_ThighTwist.rotation.controller.viewline_length_abs = false
L_ThighTwist.rotation.controller.upnode_world = false
L_ThighTwist.rotation.controller.pickUpNode = (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " Point L Thigh'"))
L_ThighTwist.rotation.controller.upnode_ctrl = 0
L_ThighTwist.rotation.controller.StoUP_axisFlip = true
L_ThighTwist.wirecolor = (color 10 10 10)
L_ThighTwist.boxmode = on
reactContL.reactTo $'ExposeTransform L'.localPosition.controller
if(((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R Thigh'")) != undefined) and ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R Calf'")) != undefined)) do
-- 오른쪽 허벅지 트위스트 ExposeTM
ExposeTransformR = ExposeTransform()
ExposeTransformR.name = "ExposeTransform R"
ExposeTransformR.size = 1.5
ExposeTransformR.box = true
ExposeTransformR.cross = false
ExposeTransformR.rotation = (inverse(biped.getTransform (execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " R Thigh'")) #rotation))
ExposeTransformR.pos = ((execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " R Thigh'")).transform.pos)
ExposeTransformR.parent = (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R Thigh'"))
ExposeTransformR.exposeNode = (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R Calf'"))
ExposeTransformR.useParent = false
ExposeTransformR.localReferenceNode = (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " Pelvis'"))
ExposeTransformR.wirecolor = (color 10 10 10)
-- 오른쪽 허벅지 트위스트 더미
PointRThigh = point()
PointRThigh.name = filterRootBoneName[1] + " Point R Thigh"
PointRThigh.size = 1.0
PointRThigh.box = false
PointRThigh.cross = true
PointRThigh.pos = ((execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " Pelvis'")).transform.pos)
coordsys local move PointRThigh [-10,0,0]
PointRThigh.parent = ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " Pelvis'")))
reactContR = PointRThigh.pos.controller = Position_reactor()
PointRThigh.wirecolor = (color 10 10 10)
-- 오른쪽 허벅지 트위스트 본
R_ThighTwist = Bonesys.createBone[0,0,0][1,0,0][0,0,1]
R_ThighTwist.name = filterRootBoneName[1] + " R_ThighTwist"
R_ThighTwist.width = ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R Thigh'")).width) * 0.8
R_ThighTwist.height = ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R Thigh'")).height) * 0.8
R_ThighTwist.length = ((execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R Thigh'")).length) / 4
R_ThighTwist.rotation = (inverse(biped.getTransform (execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " R Thigh'")) #rotation))
R_ThighTwist.pos = ((execute("$'"+filterRootBipName[1] + " R Thigh'")).transform.pos)
R_ThighTwist.parent = (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R Thigh'"))
R_ThighTwist.rotation.controller.appendTarget (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " R Calf'")) 50.0
R_ThighTwist.rotation.controller.viewline_length_abs = false
R_ThighTwist.rotation.controller.upnode_world = false
R_ThighTwist.rotation.controller.pickUpNode = (execute ("$'" + filterRootBoneName[1] + " Point R Thigh'"))
R_ThighTwist.rotation.controller.upnode_ctrl = 0
R_ThighTwist.wirecolor = (color 10 10 10)
R_ThighTwist.boxmode = on
reactContR.reactTo $'ExposeTransform R'.localPosition.controller
select bons
destroydialog bipMirrbone
createdialog bipMirrbone
아는 동생의 집에서 이 스크립트를 사용했는데 문제가 발생했다.
확인해 본 결과 종전의 맥스버전에서는 당연히 바이패드가 'Bip01'로 지정이 되는데
2012, 2013버전에서는 'Bip001'로 변경된것이다.
물론 바이패드 이름을 'Bip01'로 변경해주면 되지만 그건 그거 나름대로 스크립트 작업자로서 거부감이 들어서 수정작업을 했다.
수정을 하면서 보니 트위스트 본에도 문제가 있다는것을 알았다.
조금더 확인 한다음에 올릴걸~~ㅠ,.ㅠ
아무튼 수정하여 올린다.
피드 구독하기:
글 (Atom)